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3/25/02 Rio Cebolla Hours fished ~2 On the way home from the Rita Café/Rito Penas Negras area, I stopped at the Rio Cebolla to fish the beaver ponds that had been so productive a couple of days earlier. I landed 5 planter rainbows by dead drifting size 14 bead head soft hackle through the beaver ponds. Landed 1 wild brown by stripping same fly upstream under the bank. Landed 2 more planters with tungsten bead prince. Fishing slowed with the Prince. It was too heavy to get a good drift. Rio San Antonio Hours fished: Less than 1 Stopped at the San Antone on the way home. Fished a dry fly and got skunked. 3/26/02 Los Huertos Creek Fished the Los Huertos a short time before dark. The water was a little higher than before, presumably because of run off of melting snow. No success on the Prince. Hooked one fish on cripple caddis dry.
3/27/02 Rito Penas Negras Karma sucks. The river
was frozen when I arrived but quickly thawed out. Tried both nymphs and
dries with no success. I think the splash of the split shot was scarring
fish. I saw two beautiful 6 inch cutts. One of which I probably
could have scooped up with my hands as it floundered about, accidentally
beaching itself. Did some scouting and found that most of the roads where
closed. Moved on to the De Las Vacas. Rio De Las Vacas Fished
the Rio De Las with dries. Mostly used the Caddis cripple. Fished last
hours before dark and fishing was good with fish at all the likely places.
Much fun was had by me. 3/28/02 Los Huertos Creek Hours fished ~1.25 Started fishing a dry further up the creek then usual. Didn’t see any fish in the shallow runs. Switched to dapping a BH prince under rocks in plunge pools. This was again fairly successful as long as I could approach with out being noticed. 3/29/02 Jemez River Hours fished 7 This was my first time fishing the Jemez River in the area near the hot springs. I fished just about every nymph in my box with no success. Then 3 or 4 hours later switched to a dry just for the heck of it. Didn’t see any rises but the little brown stones were active. Promptly hooked fish after fish on elk hair caddis and e/c caddis. The e/c caddis and small elk hair caddis produced the largest fish. Go figure, the day ended with probably 20 plus fish caught.
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